How Different Types Of People Act When They Fart In Public

How Different Types Of People Act When They Fart In Public

Ever been in public, and needed to fart really bad?

While some people are experts in farting stealthily, others aren’t so good LOL! Being in a public place where someone just farted is the worst thing ever. Here are some ways people act when they drop some dangerous bombs in a public place.

1. The stone-faced ones
These ones maintain a stony face, so nobody will ask them why they have spoiled the air.

2. The sneaky ones

These ones do a quick one and then look round to see if anyone has noticed. We see you!

3. The cover-up experts

These ones immediately make a loud noise to cover up the sound of their deadly stink.

4. The runners

These ones find a way to escape the scene immediately, so by the time the stink starts, they are long gone

5. The alarmists

These ones quickly raise an alarm that someone has farted even before anybody smells it so that nobody suspects them.
6. The ones who blame it on a child who can’t talk yet

7. The liars

These ones will deny that they farted until heaven comes down.

8. The smellers

These ones act like the smell is killing them, even when they’re the ones who dealt it.

9. The ones who don’t just care

These ones fart anywhere, and anyhow. They won’t even apologise for the bad smell, instead, they drop another stink bomb.

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